Millions of lives could be saved each year and hundreds of millions of people could be protected from some of the most devastating, yet preventable, infections, if enough medicine could be produced that is affordable to everyone in the world. Striking examples of such diseases are

  • Malaria – 619,000 deaths and 247 million new cases each year
  • HIV/AIDS – 680,000 deaths and 1.5 million new cases in 2020, with about 38 million people living with HIV
  • HBV – 820,000 deaths and 1.5 million new infections each year, with about 300 million people living with chronic hepatitis B infection

Therapeutic use of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) represents a major hope and such mAbs for each of these devastating diseases have been developed and shown with high efficacies in clinical trial studies. However, the current mAb manufacture methods, such as the CHO system, do not have the capacity to produce sufficient mAbs to treat everyone in the world. Another fundamental unsolvable of the current mAb manufacturing methods is the high cost of goods (COGs) making mAbs unaffordable by patients in developing countries where the great majority of patients live.

TaurGen was founded with the mission to address this global health crisis. TaurGen’s next generation GMP manufacturing platform uses conceptually novel methods to develop genetically engineered large animals, such as cattle (TaurGen CattleTM ), as bioreactors for massive mAb production. Once established, one TaurGen CattleTM can produce approximately 12,000 grams of mAb per year, and through artificial insemination (AI) and/or in-vitro fertilization (IVF), tens of thousands of TaurGen CattleTM can be produced within a year as bioreactors. Therefore, our novel mAb manufacturing platform is super scalable and has the capability to produce hundreds of millions of doses of mAb per year which will be sufficient to treat every patient around the globe. Equally important, COGs with the TaurGen platform is dramatically lower than that by the CHO system, making mAb drugs affordable by the poorest populations in the world.

The TaurGen platform doesn’t just make existing antibody therapeutics scale to global demand; TaurGen opens up new high-volume antibody therapeutic markets that would have previously been impractical, such as therapeutics for other infectious diseases including Disease X.